Saturday, August 25, 2012

Usage of Iron-on Patches

You may think once a clothes has got a hole in it, you have to throw it out or pay someone to repair it. Iron-on patches are a great solution to this problem, especially when it comes to children's clothing. Iron-on patches are simple to apply and are a quick fix to holes in your clothes, and give your clothes a new great look!

1. 帶背膠布貼,用家用熨斗或平板燙板熨燙,很方便的,簡單又快捷。
2. 可以熨燙或縫制在喜愛的包包上,布藝品上,自己的DIY創意:
3. 衣褲擦破了,可以用他補洞,掩蓋瑕疵。
4. 衣服上有清洗不掉的汙漬時,可以用布貼掩蓋。
5. 衣服覺得單調了,可以選擇一塊個性的布貼進行裝飾,衣服就不一樣了!


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