Thursday, August 30, 2012

Today's Finds - Twilight Patch

We always find some patches which are good as collectibles.
Recently, I re-watched the film series "Twilight", one of my favorite films.
I seached on ebay, and found there are patches for this film. I have bought one, and will receive it soon.


United In Memory 911

Never forget...........


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My Work - Sequins Patch for Halloween

This patch is not what we always use. It is made of sequins.
I made it last year for halloween.
When ironing on this patch to the fabric, we have to do it mainly on the back, avoiding possible damages to the sequins beads.
I think this patch will also look good on costumes. Try it.... Remember to wash the finished works inside out.


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My Face - like tiger?

My face......
This patch is iron-on, using household iron to stick it on any fabric which allows 150C temperature (iron-setting at cotton). The size is 2.25 inch x 2 inch. Like it? Glad if you let me know. :-)


My Work - Alien Cat for Jeans Repairs

I have a jeans which has been worn for almost 10 years. Of course, there are some wear and tear. A hole at the pocket is getting larger as time goes by. To repair it, I used a embroidered iron-on patch. It is an alien-like cat. COOL~


Monday, August 27, 2012

My Neighbor Totoro トトロ 龍貓

We always see the cartoon/ animation characters being made as a patch, for children clothes decoration or repairs, or being as a kind of collectibles for some people.

The very popular characters include Mickey, Minnie, Hello Kitty.....
I found that patches of Totoro, a lovely character of the animated film of Japan in 1988, are rare.
(Totoro translated to chinese is "龍貓").
I finally found one. I will use it later for my DIY project.


My Work - Paul Frank on the Bag

I added a Paul Frank patch on a bag today.
The patch is an iron-on one, and it only took me a few minutes to finish the work by the iron at home.
The patch becomes a good decoration to the bag, which will be a birthday gift to my niece next month. So unique and special !


Sunday, August 26, 2012

My Work - Little Fish on My Old Shoes

Ha...... The old shoes are so plain that I need something to make them new.......
Two little fishes, one blue one red, were sticked on the sides. Pretty!

I finished the iron-on process carefully, as I didn't want to see my shoes burnt.
Good, the patches sticked nicely.....  :-)

My Work - Transformers logo on Old Shirt

I didn't like the logo on the shirt, so I iron-on a patch to cover it.....
It is a transformers decepticon. Is it good looking? 


Saturday, August 25, 2012

Iron-on Instructions for Embroidered Patches 布貼使用说明

1. 將要粘貼的部位清潔干凈,將布貼放在合適的部位
2. 有膠的一面貼在要粘的東西上,再在布貼上鋪上一塊無色布或干凈毛巾
3. 將電熨斗溫度調到棉(cotton) 或摄氏150度
4. 溫度達到后在布貼位置用力來回熨燙15秒鐘到25秒鐘左右. 然后將熨斗拿開
5. 等5分鐘左右涼了后檢查一下布貼是否牢固
6. 如不理想,可用以上方法再次進行



Usage of Iron-on Patches

You may think once a clothes has got a hole in it, you have to throw it out or pay someone to repair it. Iron-on patches are a great solution to this problem, especially when it comes to children's clothing. Iron-on patches are simple to apply and are a quick fix to holes in your clothes, and give your clothes a new great look!

1. 帶背膠布貼,用家用熨斗或平板燙板熨燙,很方便的,簡單又快捷。
2. 可以熨燙或縫制在喜愛的包包上,布藝品上,自己的DIY創意:
3. 衣褲擦破了,可以用他補洞,掩蓋瑕疵。
4. 衣服上有清洗不掉的汙漬時,可以用布貼掩蓋。
5. 衣服覺得單調了,可以選擇一塊個性的布貼進行裝飾,衣服就不一樣了!
